Toraja - South Sulawesi

Toraja place in south Sulawesi  have distinctive cultures that different with bugis culture that surrounds it, there are many traditional houses that still retained its original form until today, including the tomb of rock walls made of local hills ...

Ubud - Bali

Ubud is very popular as tourism attraction from people all over the world
The increase was greeted with joy by about 450 participants Rakornas while singing the song "Song of Home Affairs." Significant budget increase in 2010 compared to the budget this can be done because the field of culture and tourism in ubud bali provide a relatively large foreign exchange for the country, about Rp 65 trillion.

Bukittinggi - west sumatra

There is many tourist attractions you can visit the city bukittinggi like canyon Sianok, , zoo
The impact of global warming (global warming) was already beginning to be felt of Bukittinggi. City tour that was once known for having very cool weather conditions have changed dramatically now. Even since the last few months, people begin to feel overheated Bukittinggi at noon time.

Anticipating global warming causing global climate change, the public demanded participate actively greening movement and prevent pollution and environmental destruction.

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